CSQ successfully 1031 Exchanges Eton house into two Multifamily properties in Florida

jan 2022 -7

After a very labored decision process, CSQ decided to close down the Eton house. A replacement home was found for each of the women and kids at the home. The house was sold and proceeds were used via a 1031 Exchange to purchase two properties in St. Petersburg, FL with our newest partnerKOR financial. More info on KOR Financial in another newsletter and video.

The two properties are actually only a block from each other, and two blocks from the beach.

3015 56th St.

  • The purchase price, $625,000
  • Built-in 1939 with additional units in 1972
  • 6 units total, 4 will be converted to short-term rental

2930 Beach Blvd

  • Purchase price, $1,000,000
  • Built in 1920 and 1977
  • 5 units plus 4.7 star rated restaurant in front
  • 3 units will be converted to short-term rental

To your Freedom,

-Chad and CSQ Properties Team